I’m delighted to have been selected as a writer-in-residence at Taiwan Literature Base, Taipei.

Taiwan Literature Base established the writers-in-residence program to promote creative writing and experimentation in the realms of Taiwanese literature and culture and to facilitate communications among authors, readers, and the cultural-creative sector.

Through this programme, authors from Taiwan and around the world are invited to live on site to experience life in a Japanese-era dormitory at the heart of Taipei City and to host a series of activities designed to give readers of Taiwan literature a behind-the-scenes glimpse into creative writing.

I will be undertaking this writing residency alongside my Wind&Bones collaborator Will Buckingham and we plan to work on a project entitled Interweavings: A Tapestry of Taiwan Stories.

I'll be joining Taiwan Literature Base in January 2025.

You can read more about Taiwan Literature Base here.